Feb. 11, 2021

Just in case anyone has forgotten what it looks like – looking forward to when the roller shutter door is lifted!!

Newsletter Winter 2020-21

Feb. 3, 2021

Our Winter newsletter is now available: click here


Jan. 10, 2021

Martin Clayton has very kindly produced a video of the groups of 6 playing Christmas music round the Streets of Hathern in December. The DVD is available for £5.00 – if you would like one please contact the Secretary.

A big thank you to Martin from the Band for all his work on this.

LOROS Hospice

Jan. 2, 2021

Every year in January we hold a concert to raise funds for the LOROS hospice and 2021 would have been our 21st concert. The band committee has decided to donate a sum of £550 to LOROS from the collections we made playing during the Christmas season making the total raised £42,647.00 by Hathern Band for LOROS since 2000.

We have received the following email from LOROS.

“Thank you for the kind and generous donation you recently made to LOROS following the socially distanced carols you were able to deliver ahead of this recent lockdown – I am certain that those who were able to hear them enjoyed them enormously!

We all certainly missed being able to attend the LOROS Concert this year – it was a very different Christmas in lots of ways.

I know that Hathern Band have supported us for a great number of years now and we are so grateful for your ongoing support. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic means that your support has never been more appreciated.

You may have already read that LOROS are predicting a £2.3M loss of raised income this financial year and that is why your donation of £550.00 means so much to us right now; thank you.

I wanted you to reassure you that despite the challenges that COVID-19 has presented our charity with, our patients and their families remain at the heart of everything we do and our team are continuing to deliver exceptional high quality and specialist care while the fundraising team continues to think of new, innovative ways to raise funds; thank you for helping us to do this and to be here; we are so grateful.

I look forward to seeing you again at an event in the near future. Fingers crossed and best wishes from all of our team to all of the band members. Thanks again for your support.”


Jan. 1, 2021

As you will know 2021 finds us in lockdown and unable to practise or perform. Christmas however
gave us the opportunity to play outside in socially distanced groups of six. We hope it brought a
bit of Christmas cheer to those that saw us. Let us hope for better things in 2021.

Happy New Year!